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by chasfm11
Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:52 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Home Depot Shooting - Flower MOund
Replies: 7
Views: 15037

Home Depot Shooting - Flower MOund

This one is very intriguing on several levels ... ome-depot/

If the newspaper has the facts straight it was a 16yo carrying a pistol concealed while working at Home Depot. Further, the 16yo fired at a fleeing vehicle. The "investigation is ongoing" without any sort of arrest suggests that there is more to the story. The local rumors say that it was an attempted kidnapping but that doesn't make sense to me in light of the story details.

So we have Constitutional Carry but it doesn't extend to 16yos as I understand it.

My dot connector suggests that at least one of the boys knew the guys in the truck.

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