One might also argue, however, that an equal or greater threat these days might come from political activists rather than criminals. While I personally believe that the vast majority of carried firearms are in the hands of Conservatives, the fear for criminal activity has driven more Liberal thinkers to want to be armed. Based on the statements made by this "come lately" group, many are not self-regulating and have been propagandized to lash out against all things that they perceive to be "MAGA". In a normal street situation, I believe that criminals remain my biggest concern. But I have attended meetings and rallies where I believe that I am a target just by being there and the presence of visible handgun might make me more so. I agree with your comments that criminals are largely cowards looking for a score. The political crazies on the Left appear ready to sacrifice everything, including themselves, for their ideology.Excaliber wrote: ↑Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:58 am
Well, I'm not quite so sure about that. While concealed carry does maintain tactical surprise, that only comes into play when you find yourself in a confrontation which you may win or lose - and which will be really complicated and expensive either way. A deterrent effect that keeps the valedictorians from picking you is both safer and cheaper - especially since the trend these days is for multiple perps in each incident.
Like others, I CC 90+% of the time. If I am going to OC, it is NOT going to be anywhere when I believe political conflict might occur and that is a surprising number of places now days.