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by chasfm11
Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:40 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: MN: Minneapolis Police shoot and kill CHL at 7 am who seconds before had been asleep
Replies: 17
Views: 4850

Re: MN: Minneapolis Police shoot and kill CHL at 7 am who seconds before had been asleep

K.Mooneyham wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 2:07 am
srothstein wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:32 pm No knock warrants are a necessary and important tool. Too much evidence can be lost if you knock and give the occupants time to destroy it. That does not count the number of lives that can be lost if the occupants are allowed to prepare.

Having said that, I support reform and changes in the no knock warrant process. I think they have been abused and are part of the degradation of our rights caused by the war on some drugs.
I am with you, Mr. Rothstein. I do believe they have their place. However, they are massively overused and obviously WAY too easy to get. Should be some sort of established multi-level process to get one so that they are only issued for very specific circumstances that must be spelled out in detail. They should be available, but seldom issued.
:iagree: And the biggest problem is there is NO accountability when they do go wrong. Ho, hum. We messed up. Next! Rank and file officers should not be the ones held to account for these tragedies. If there were more consequences,there would be fewer problems. For me, no knock warrants and civil asset forfeiture remain the greatest stains on U.S. law enforcement. OIS are more defensible than either of these.

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