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by chasfm11
Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:50 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Constitutional Carry Guide
Replies: 24
Views: 17884

Re: Constitutional Carry Guide

Is any of this different than walking past a non-compliant 30.06 sign? In the final analysis, it is going to take some other circumstance to bring the situation to light and end up forcing a legal interpretation. I always thought that I was skating on thin ice when I walked past an 8.5x11 version of the sign and think that the gray areas on the new law are probably the same. Someone may end up spending big bucks to put a finer point on the language but since that hasn't happened with the non-compliant signs in more than 20 year, either because no one noticed or because very few people were willing to push the limits, the chances of it happening over these new situations are not very high.

I'll go further. The whole matter of Constitutional Carry is a tempest in a tea pot. There may be a small uptick in people carrying concealed without an LTC but I don't believe even that will be sustained. Nearly half the LTC population (if you believe the anecdotal evidence based on police traffic stops) doesn't carry after going to much greater lengths to have the legal option to do so. There may be one or two unlicensed carriers that get themselves into trouble and make the evening news. Otherwise, six months from now, it will be no different than open carry or campus carry. People will go about their business. Texas has a bigger population than any of the other Constitutional Carry States but I don't see the Texas population creating any more problems than the residents of the other States did.

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