I don't know if there is an official time as to rotate mags in and out of use. There seems to be quite a debate on this issue from what I see. Alot of people say to rotate them out as much as monthly and I have also seen people write that they leave mags loaded for years and have no problems.lkd wrote:While we're on this topic, does anybody have any "official" data on the maximum amount of time you should keep your mags fully loaded in storage? I "decompress and rotate" my mags about once a month (and no jokes about "Wait, if you rotate your mags, that means the bullets are pointing _toward_ you!"). I had this talk with my daughter (whose duty weapon is a G19) and she stared at me as if I said she should rotate the tires on her truck daily. Am I being overly paranoid about spring fatigue?
There is also a school of thought that it is not leaving your mags loaded that causes spring fatigue but it is actually the loading and unloading/ general use of the mag that causes this to happen.
Personally I know how each one of my mags feel and how stiff I like them when I load them and if one feels like its getting week I rotate it out or replace the spring as needed.