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by O6nop
Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:45 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM
Replies: 8
Views: 2025

Re: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM

KaiserB wrote:Well if you push hard enough....
Haha, true... but I use Lee dies, the decapper pin spindle will slide through the die collar, this is to prevent damage to the decapper pin. In the event that you do get it to push through the flash hole, it might just get stuck there and pull the spindle out and it is stuck inside the case. That happened to me on the Swedish brass.
by O6nop
Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:31 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM
Replies: 8
Views: 2025

Re: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM

KaiserB wrote:
O6nop wrote:Thanks, looks like the one. Just can't figure out why it won't cycle through the decapper/sizer. I looked into the case mouth with a flashlight and saw only one flash hole. I'll double check tonight. Looks like they may go into the scrap bin.

I have some of this brass similar to this that is NOT magnetic. You fill find the flash hole (yes there is only one) is about half the diameter of other brass. Thus the decapping pin will fit through the flash hole to push the primer out.
Did you mean, "will NOT fit"? I ran into similar issues with Swedish Mauser ammo where the standard decapper pin would not fit thru the flash hole. I ended up getting a universal decapper from Lee that worked out fine. This stuff is definitely magnetic, but your description is just as good a reason to scrap them.
by O6nop
Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:51 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM
Replies: 8
Views: 2025

Re: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM

NcongruNt wrote:I'm unsure if Barnaul even makes brass-cased .223. I do recall seeing brass-washed steel cases somewhere, so that might be what you're dealing with here, the fact that it's trying to size steel may be why it won't cycle.

Than again, I may be wrong. Something to consider, though. Perhaps take a magnet to it and see?
Another right answer! Yep, it takes right to a magnet. It's amazing how much they look like regular brass cases. Definitely into the scrap bin.
Thanks for all your help.
by O6nop
Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:05 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM
Replies: 8
Views: 2025

Re: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM

Thanks, looks like the one. Just can't figure out why it won't cycle through the decapper/sizer. I looked into the case mouth with a flashlight and saw only one flash hole. I'll double check tonight. Looks like they may go into the scrap bin.
by O6nop
Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:27 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Unusual headstamp - 223 REM
Replies: 8
Views: 2025

Unusual headstamp - 223 REM

I would like to find out what brand of case this is. I can't tell what the symbol is on the headstamp, at first I thought it was a NATO marking, but it is 223 REM and that wouldn't match up. I tried taking a picture, don't know if it comes out. It's not quite square, it has a round hump at one of the corners and some raised markings inside.
I regularly pick up any stray brass I find at the range and usually use it for reloads. I'm pretty sure this is misc range pick up.But this particular brand will not cycle through my sizer. These are the only ones that won't and none of them will go through the sizer. The primers don't appear to be crimped.
Any suggestions?


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