While at the gunshow last weekend, I was looking for some hollow point / defense ammo for my 1911 because I'm considering it as my carry. I found some Aguila IQ ammo at a pretty reasonable price. 117gr HP box of 20 for $9.95 total price.
Today, I went to the range (indoor) to get some practice with it (Kimber ProCarryII SS) and my new snubby. I was firing away with various types of FMJ and shooting OK, for me that is. At 7 yds getting mostly in a 6 inch area and making a big hole in the center. A few shots went astray, but I need to work on my concentration. So not bad. Well, I decided that was a good time to try the IQs. To get an idea how accurate they were I shot at the head of the silhoutte. The first thing I noticed was that it was much louder than the FMJs then the huge flash, about the size of a basketball, or so it appeared. And no difference in recoil, maybe even less.
A good shot to the head. The next 6 shots nestled in comfortably with the first one, within a 2 inch spacing with no paper between the holes.
First, can a bullet improve my shooting that much? Second, will it harm my gun? Seems to good to be true. What's up? I'd like to know 'cause I'm going to get more of it if I can find it.
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- by O6nop
- Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:39 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Shooting Aguila IQ .45
- Replies: 8
- Views: 1356
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