Sorry, not gonna play the "prove to me that within my specific guidelines that this technology does this thing" game. Had enough of that purse swinging at work. My computer security guidelines require a layered approach, involving physical, network and software layers. I don't separate them. I take it for granted that some layers will fail and the redundancy will give me the results I need.Russell wrote: Please provide evidence and/or proof of concept showing that outside of the website's servers being compromised, or the security of the client computer being compromised (infected by a trojan, malware, or outdated software that has not been maintained properly), history and/or cache files can be pulled from your computer by other sites. Otherwise you are spreading FUD. (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).
For my real world security, I have weapons, recent, relevant and realistic training and physical barriers to keep me and my loved ones safe. If you consider that policy spreading "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt", so be it.
I hope everyone has a safe Internet day and a safe real world day.
Thanks, Gringop