I guess they don't pay attention to the news here then, I could give them some examples (maybe we could hit the range together when you're here )israel67 wrote:I just remembered an exchange with the person on whose sofa I was sleeping when in Texas last month. I told her she needed to get a gun to protect herself. 'We don't need one .. you think Amarillo is overrun with crime?? You're wrong!!' was her response.
A couple of days later, two AM and I can't sleep. Here in France, not being sensitive to the cold, my windows are open three hundred and sixty-five days a year: I just love fresh air (insofar as we get any here in Paris ..). So anyway, I get up and open a small window in the kitchen, and finally get some zees.
Next morning, my hostess is making coffee and she sees the window. 'Who opened that?' she asks. 'I did,' I reply. 'What if someone had crawled in??' she asks. 'He might have had a gun!!'
'But you said that Amarillo doesn't have crime ...' I replied.
When I go over there, I wanna get my two lovely and adored nieces into shooting. They've both already told me that they'll come to the range with me, but maybe they said that thinking, 'he'll never get over here except on vacation...'. They're in for a surprise.
great 911 call for the collection to share with my friends that need/want self-defense info and training