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by Running Arrow Bill
Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:57 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: Navy SEALs: Lone Survivor
Replies: 6
Views: 2884

Navy SEALs: Lone Survivor

I'm in process of reading a very interesting and amazing book by Navy SEAL, Marcus Luttrell, "Lone Survivor" (#1 Bestseller).

It starts off little slow, then rapidly becomes challenging with a very detailed discussion of the SEAL training and Marcus and other SEALs deployment to Afganistan. It is unreal what these guys go through! Also Marcus group of 6 which were outnumbered about 35 to 1 by the Taliban pinning them down in the godforsaken mountainous terain of Afganistan. And, how when some of them were critically wounded and STILL kept fighting! Includes an event where they fell/rolled down a mountainside several hundred feet and didn't get killed by the fall or any serious injuries...their Guardian Angels were with them!
:txflag: :patriot:

This is must reading for any former military people as well as current ones.

Thank God for the commitment and survivability of our Armed Forces for all they do to keep America safe, even though there are unavoidable losses of lifes!!

Once you start reading, you won't be able to put the book down!

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