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by Running Arrow Bill
Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:57 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Collateral Damage
Replies: 12
Views: 2242

Collateral Damage

Well...not exactly "people" collateral damage...

Last week I sighted another stray cat here that was harassing our barn cats and stealing their food. The cat was about 40 ft away (close enough for me to get a hit); I pulled out my .40 SA, cocked it, aimed carefully, and missed a broad side shot! (In my practice, I can hit something at 40 ft...targets, that is)

I missed the cat...

Cat ran off.

A day or two later I found a bullet hole in my tool shed about 6' above ground. Another hole inside shed. A coffee can was grazed and knocked off a shelf...

Now, get this! We have approx. 40' of deep sand around here. Have never dug up a rock. Apparently, my bullet hit the ONLY small rock on the place and riccoshade (sp) upwards.

Moral: Never assume what a bullet will do if you don't hit the intended target.


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