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Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:22 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: encounter at wallyworld - calling all armchair QB's
Replies: 150
Views: 30290

Re: encounter at wallyworld - calling all armchair QB's

Well at the risk of being chastised for posting off topic...on the other hand maybe it's not as it does relate to the cussing stuff.

A retired minister was looking for a good used lawn mower. After searching the classified ads he came across the one he wanted. He called the seller and inquired of the condition which he was told it's in very good condition and has been well cared for. He made an appointment to meet the guy and check out the mower. Arriving there he asked if it would start. "Sure, It'll start...just pull the choke out and give it a try". The preacher did as he was told and began pulling on the starter rope. Out of breath after 10-12 pulls he asked the seller what he was doing wrong. "Well", the guy said, "you gotta give it a good cussin". To which the preacher retorted, "Sir, I surrendered to preach the word of God over 30 years ago and I haven't uttered one cuss word since!". "That's okay" replyed the man..."just keep pulling on that string, it'll come back to ya".
Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:52 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: encounter at wallyworld - calling all armchair QB's
Replies: 150
Views: 30290

Re: encounter at wallyworld - calling all armchair QB's

Excellent analysis and advice Excaliber, I don't see how anyone could argue with it.
Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:16 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: encounter at wallyworld - calling all armchair QB's
Replies: 150
Views: 30290

Re: encounter at wallyworld - calling all armchair QB's

J Wilson wrote:Maybe Im'e looking at this a little differently than most.I think if I was in the same situation while with my kid, and the same thing happened,I would just back my cart out and go to another checkout.As I get older,I want less confrontations in my life.Sometimes minding your own business will keep you out of a "Flee or Fight"situation.
J Wilson, I am in total agreement with you. There's just too many ways things like this could go south in a hurry. I'm too old and have too many people who love and depend on me on a daily basis for me to want to interject myself into a situation that could very well require more time and money than I'm willing to give just to prove that I was justified and keep me out of the big house. This doesn't even take into consideration the prospect of having a totally innocent person injured or killed by a misguided bullet should the situation escalate to that point. I'm going to do everything I can, including minding my own business, to avoid getting into a gunfight in the front of a Walmart store much less a Costco.

One other point that is probably worth noting. Just on this forum where most are CHL holders and all are gun friendly, there's a sizable number who disagree with the justification for the threat of or use of deadly force in a situation such as this. Should ones actions result in a "True" bill by a grand jury, their future is not going to be determined by anything close to this "friendly" of a group of folks.
Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:33 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: encounter at wallyworld - calling all armchair QB's
Replies: 150
Views: 30290

Re: encounter at wallyworld - calling all armchair QB's

I may have missed it but I don't think I saw anyone mention the fact that your "calling him out" especially considering that the obnoxious language was not directed at you, could very well be considered a provocation on your part. If you did threaten to use or use deadly force after provoking the confrontation a cop, DA, Judge and jury could very well see you having provoked the confrontation. Skeered is NOT a justifiable reason to threaten or use deadly force in my opinion, nor should it be...especially considering that you chose to interject yourself into the situation. If you're gonna try to teach a jerk some manners you probably ought to plan on using your fists or the management or the cops, and not your weapon.

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