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- Wed May 26, 2010 4:49 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: co-worker robbed at gun point
- Replies: 42
- Views: 7276
Re: co-worker robbed at gun point
By DF I'm assuming you're meaning deadly force, gigag? If I could be sure I knew what was going down I don't think I'd hesitate to use DF... since she was washing her car, I assume it would be in a stall and if so I wouldn't think the BG's would be too accessible for a run down. Besides I've watched too many shows where a guy with a handgun makes a pretty deadly shot on an approaching driver (lol). I think I'd rather be far enough back to have my crosshair directly on center of mass and if so, he'd better hope he didn't hesitate when I told him to drop it. That 2 1/2 lb trigger is just so smooth and light.
- Wed May 26, 2010 4:06 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: co-worker robbed at gun point
- Replies: 42
- Views: 7276
Re: co-worker robbed at gun point
IF I saw this in progress, the two guys one with a handgun pointed at the lady and could discern without a doubt that it was an armed robbery in progress, I'm pretty sure I'd bet the BG a dollar to a donut I could out shoot him. I carry among other guns, a fully loaded Rem 700 22-250 in the right front seat next to my truck console. I kill varmints from coons to hogs every week with it. When I go to the city it goes with me. It's there, it's ready, and it's deadly accurate. Of course there's lot's of variables one would have to evaluate on the spot but if I knew her life and/or welfare was at risk, one or two more...ummmm.... varmints wouldn't bother me or Ol Betsy.