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by kw5kw
Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:43 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: What's the Origin of Your User Name?
Replies: 1516
Views: 320033

Skipper5 wrote:Texfire's correct:
"Most screenames seem to fit into two categories, really interesting names that were carefully thought up, or haphazardly chosen ones when you need a login that ended up sticking. Mine is in the second category.
Skipper5....been using this name for longtime online....easy to remember was my childhood dog (Newfoundland's name)...also love sailing!

Lol ....real creative!

And here, all this time, I though you was a Gilligan fan! :shock:
by kw5kw
Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:33 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: What's the Origin of Your User Name?
Replies: 1516
Views: 320033

jimlongley wrote:
wo5m wrote:Mine originates from amateur radio. wo5m is the callsign that was issued by the FCC. I use it on just about every public forum. Also I’m not the only radio operator on here. I know of at least one other there may be more.

If you where to google my callsign you would find out more about me than googling my name. :smile:
I would use my call, but on a gun related forum it might seem like just a little too much showing off.

de K5NRA, Jim
Well shoot :shock: , nice to know you K5NRA, and yes---you should have used it. Ask the mods to change yours just as they changed evil-smurf's to Russell... which, by the way, is also my full first name.

Well, I'm also an amateur radio operator (Advanced Class), I guess you all guessed that by now!

A mutual friend of W05M's and myself (WB5FLQ) called me KW squared but that hasn't stuck yet.

I use my call sign on every forum that I visit, from Christian to Guns.


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