IANAL, but as I understand the mail laws, if they send you any unrequested item (and presuming you didn't sign up for a subscription service), you are legally allowed to keep it and not pay for it. Although if they provided a postage paid return envelope I would return it, you are not required to. For my take on it: personally I wouldn't get steamed about it.Chuck K. wrote:I am seriously reconsidering rejoining the NRA. I was a member for many, many years until they sent me a hunters safety video tape which I did not request. I thought it was free to all members until I started getting ugly notices about non payment of this video.. I complained to the NRA only to be told if I did not want it send it back??? This along with the seemingly endless barage of mail wanting more money etc. etc. I have not rejoined in the last ~10 years.
Now is it possible to become a member with out being hammered with mail on a regular basis and bull scams like the video tape I would like to renew my membership..
Thanks in advance for any advice.
For the most part, I appreciate what NRA does to protect our 2A rights.