Which is great if you have the time to look for it and can go buying at odd hours. Not everybody can. I've found some cheaper Winchester 100 round boxes at Academy but I was lucky in that they put those out late in the day and I just happened to be in there. Some places have seen a huge relaxation in 9mm supply, others (such as mine) have not.Beiruty wrote:But Walmart is still offering same 9mm bullets at $22 per 100rds. The catch is you have to call and check inventory ahead of your wally world visit.Pawpaw wrote:SQLGeek wrote:That same box was $30 cheaper in December but it is what it is. If you want to shoot, you pay to play the game.Beiruty wrote:At $35 per 100 rds that is a bit expensive. It used to cost $20-$24 per 100 rds.Blindref757 wrote:I bought a 350 round box of 9mm at Gander Mountain in Tyler on Friday for $119+tax. Blazer BrassI used to pay 17.9¢ a gallon for premium gasoline. That ain't coming back either.
There is a point where it is just more convenient to pay more to get what you want or need.