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by E.Marquez
Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:18 am
Forum: Texas Firearms Coalition
Topic: New Article: “Chicken Little” Predictions & Bogus . . .
Replies: 5
Views: 10962

Re: New Article: “Chicken Little” Predictions & Bogus . . .

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
E.Marquez wrote:Mr Cotton, may I respectfully suggest, you work with a WEB designer that can include a Face Book, Twitter "Share" button for each article posted at" onclick=";return false;.
That won't work on a CMS site. I've looked for a "share" button extension, but that doesn't do what I want. Custom programming make updating software virtually impossible.

Thanks for the response.. I could have assumed you had already considered it... but you never know till you ask.

Copy and paste it is.... it works, I hope it helps. :tiphat:
by E.Marquez
Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:56 pm
Forum: Texas Firearms Coalition
Topic: New Article: “Chicken Little” Predictions & Bogus . . .
Replies: 5
Views: 10962

Re: New Article: “Chicken Little” Predictions & Bogus . . .

Mr Cotton, may I respectfully suggest, you work with a WEB designer that can include a Face Book, Twitter "Share" button for each article posted at" onclick=";return false;.

I see there is one for the TFC FB page..on the site page, but not a link or share button the conclusion of each article which might encourage readers to click and spread the word to a wider audience.

I realize many of us to this "long hand" but way of copy and past, links, text, ect. But lets face it, so will choose not to share, simply because it is too hard.?

Your articles are well written, thought provoking and informative.. I'd like to see them shared more widely, as Im sure you would as well, or you would not devote time and energy writing them.

Thanks for another great article.. off to copy and past now....

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