ChasCharles L. Cotton wrote:I honestly don't think anything will change the tactics used by the leadership (3 guys). My hope is that calls for civil discourse will reach members of those organizations and, if not, let the general public realize those folks are not representative of gun-owning Texans.Cedar Park Dad wrote:Charles L. Cotton wrote:Well, it seems impossible to get this thread back on topic, but I'll try once more before closing it. Keep arguing irrelevant issues and ignore Grisham/OCT, Watkins/OCTC rather than condemn them and the general public will continue to paint all open-carry supporters with the same broad brush.
What is a better suggested course of action vs. what has been done to date?
How would you suggest NTCGooT ( Non theatrical and Confrontational Gun Owners of Texas) publically denounce the minority speaking the loudest
You can not have a public conversation on any forum where those three groups are present .. You get pounced on as a "butter" , "anti", ect ect.
If we denounce them in a forum such as yours, well we are preaching to the same folks that already get it.
Start the conversation on FB and it devolves to nonsense in minutes.
What do you suggest to publicly distance ourselves from the fringe and ensure the mainstream Texan and for sure the legislators know WE are the majority, even though we don't get media face time.