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by E.Marquez
Mon May 20, 2013 4:40 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist
Replies: 147
Views: 18983

Re: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist

gemini wrote: I personally would never do it. Many in CA do it on a regular basis. Even in CA there are rules
on when, where, speed etc lanesplitting is allowed.
There are?
Last I checked *3 months ago when i was there for a few days visiting brother and friends)

And for as long as there have been laws... in CA it is exactly the opposite,. there are NO laws on lane sharing, thus, it is legal..

As most understand.. they do not write laws to makes things legal.. they write laws to make things illegal, or define and restrict something.. As far as I know, in CA, there are NO LAWS that touch on late sharing... any rules you might find are non binding suggestions, guidance, like in a CA drivers handbook, and PSA notices.
by E.Marquez
Fri May 17, 2013 2:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist
Replies: 147
Views: 18983

Re: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist

AlaskanInTexas wrote:
E.Marquez wrote:And with that I bid all a good day..... Im going to go ride my bike now.. chances are,, I will have to avoid a rude or dangerous driver :banghead: in the next few hours....

Just use the shoulder like the other bikers and you won't have to worry about cars.
Must be a DFW thing.. not seen that where I live...

but hey, I rode 38 miles and only one texting 20 something woman tried to place her car on top of my this afternoon. I communicated my displeasure,, she appeared to say "sorry" if I did my lip reading correctly.

To the poster above.. you misunderstand.. it's not sniveling at the increased dangers of riding being discussed.. (perceived by you perhaps, but thats on you) It's the quite real observations that car drivers often do create unsafe events to which the bike has little recourse. These events are unnecessary and caused solely by the poor driving and attitude of said drivers.

IN an hour I'll ride home..... if I don't post in three,,,it's because the wait in the ER is longer then normal, :thumbs2:
by E.Marquez
Fri May 17, 2013 11:53 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist
Replies: 147
Views: 18983

Re: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist

92f-fan wrote: But its politically correct to blame the other guy especially when he is not like you ...
You walk and he drives or you ride and he drives. Its always 100% the drivers fault. I got it...
NO one in THIS thread said that but YOU. So.. please, if you want take such a position that's fine, but own it.. Do not put words in other people's mouths. :tiphat:

The TOPIC....was about a Road rage incident,, and from what was posted, it was uncalled for IMHO.. (you'll notice that statement goes against your statements above.. )

The TOPIC was about a CHL'ers reaction to the unjustified attack, or aggressor.. ... Which also has been shown here to be a justified reaction, allowable by law.
Also described here are better ways for the biker to have handled it, and better ways for the driver to have handled it.

And with that I bid all a good day..... Im going to go ride my bike now.. chances are,, I will have to avoid a rude or dangerous driver :banghead: in the next few hours....
by E.Marquez
Fri May 17, 2013 9:00 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist
Replies: 147
Views: 18983

Re: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist

jmra wrote:
E.Marquez wrote:
jmra wrote:When it comes to sport bikes, speeding is not the exception. These bikes are built for one thing, speed. I don't care who you are, you get on a sport bike and you are going to drive faster than most everything else on the road.
the only time in my life that I have passed a functional sport bike on a highway/interstate is when the rider slows down to preform some kind of stunt.
Change a few words in this post.. and it will read just like something from the Brady Bunch and those evil guns.
Big difference. Sport bikes are not used for self defense and they are not constitutionally protected. I think the comparison is a huge reach. IMHO of course.
"Change a few words" in any statement and you can get the same result. Best thing to do is not change people's words. :tiphat:
I was speaking to the implied attitude of the poster (you) .. ....blaming the item, not the user. :tiphat:

I ride a sport bike, I ride with other sportbike riders, I have since 1983. I and those I RIDE WITH do not do wheels down the freeway or block traffic so my stunta partners can play, or other such stupidity and in the last 5 years living in Texas I've not seen a single rider do any of all.. Yet some claim it's a daily occurrence.. I assume neither of us is being dishonest :cheers2: so I also assume it's a location thing.

I do see daily,, motorcycles not being seen by car drivers... I do see almost daily car drivers focused on a coffee cup and / or a cell phone merge into a biker, or otherwise run them off a line they were following.

My wife riding to work was run out of lane yesterday by a clueless driver.

I had a left turning car cut in front of me yesterday forcing me to swerve into the turn lane to avoid a wreck. Three days ago as i waited at a stoplight in a 40mph city two lane street.. had a car approach at 40 or so from behind Cars stacked up four or so deep in the left lane,, me alone in the right light.. Light turned green, and the car coming up behind me only saw green light.. not the bright red motorcycle in the middle of the lane.. at about 20 feet behind me, he locked up his brakes .... I was already getting out of the way moving forward and to the right as fast as I could launch my bike.. he slid past me at about 20 mph tires smoking.... SHOUTING AT ME.... I assume he thought I pulled in front of him .. but of course that was not true..... The state trooper sitting at the gas station agreed with my assessment....and cited the driver... for what I don't know... trooper would not tell me... But a ticket.. for narrowly missing out on killing or maiming a biker .......a ticket...

Spend a few minutes researching all the drivers who kill or maim bikers and get off with a very light or NO charges... it is the norm.

Thats my experience with car drivers the last few days... in that same time frame not a single motor cycle was observed "preform some kind of stunt" or "doing wheelstands" or "lane splitting" or talking / texting on a cell phone while drinking a cup of coffee and driving a 3000 lb vehicle :biggrinjester:
by E.Marquez
Fri May 17, 2013 6:46 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist
Replies: 147
Views: 18983

Re: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist

jmra wrote:When it comes to sport bikes, speeding is not the exception. These bikes are built for one thing, speed. I don't care who you are, you get on a sport bike and you are going to drive faster than most everything else on the road.
the only time in my life that I have passed a functional sport bike on a highway/interstate is when the rider slows down to preform some kind of stunt.
Change a few words in this post.. and it will read just like something from the Brady Bunch and those evil guns. :tiphat:

Car drivers do not "see" motorcycles, they do not register. This is really not in a simple search and confirm for yourself if you need to. ... e&ie=UTF-8" onclick=";return false;

Reference the OP... regardless of how it started (and yes i too bet odds are, the car driver did something stupid and endangered the motorcycle rider) Once the active threat was over (car moved away) the motorcycle rider should have taken an approach other than the one reported... As noted the car driver was within legal rights to what they did.
Though they too might have just kept driving and found a safer place to pull over and diffuse while calling 911 ( at a cop shop, or next to a cruiser that is in a parking lot, ect)
by E.Marquez
Wed May 15, 2013 9:30 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist
Replies: 147
Views: 18983

Re: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist

To illustrate my point. I JUST now got this txt from my wife, who rode to work this morning....
Had a guy in a white 300c try to wipe me out when he got on 190 at clear creek

He came across all three lanes right at me. Had to completely get in the left break down lane to avoid him
Even though she was attacked with a deadly weapon (ignorance, not intentionally most likely) She has no right to chase the guy down and assault him, damage his car, or out right shoot him...
by E.Marquez
Wed May 15, 2013 8:49 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist
Replies: 147
Views: 18983

Re: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist

AKC322 wrote:We don't have enough facts to determine whether the driver's actions were justified. He could have been texting, chatting on the phone, eating, fiddling with his GPS or radio, reading a newspaper or book, shaving, having sex, putting out a burning bit of weed in his crotch (I've seen them all). He could have driven the cyclist off the road without knowing it. As a motorcycle commuter, I am "assaulted" on a near-daily basis by inattentive drivers. Cops are not lawyers, and these kinds of situations are very difficult to determine on the scene. Although the cop probably handled this situation appropriately, he could have arrested the driver and let the courts sort it out. And in a lot of places the cop would have had no choice but to arrest the driver. This driver was lucky to have a cop who had some common sense, but there are plenty out there who are sorely wanting in that regard. The driver could easily have been taken to jail over this.

My takeaway from this story is to never, ever draw my weapon until I am absolutely certain there is no other alternative but the use of deadly force.
May i suggest you re read the statutes posted earlier.

I believe you have a misunderstanding of the law.

Deadly force is not forever unjustified, just because the shooter had an active part in the provocation of the event. If the shooter separated or stops the provocation and / or interaction and the aggressor continued the assault, pursues.. stops at the car when he could have ridden on, called the police .. the shooter has justification.

At least the way I read the law..

I ride a bike, many thousands of miles a year.. hardly a day goes by my wife (who also rides) or I do not get "assaulted" by a cage driver. Cut off, brake checked, tailgated, merged into.. most times with a wave of the hand and mouthing of "sorry" . If I chased down and dealt with every one... the state of Texas would have a very prolific serial killer to hunt. :totap:
by E.Marquez
Tue May 14, 2013 7:57 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist
Replies: 147
Views: 18983

Re: e-mail from student about road raging motorcyclist

alvins wrote:technically what happened you can be arrested for it. you cannot just pull your gun out to scare someone.that "brandishing" can get you put in jail. And their is no such thing as brandishing; its called aggravated assault which is a felony.
Technically I can only assume you read a different post than I did, and responded to that other post :thumbs2:
Because based on what I read, and IMHO, for what was described, no arrest of the victim was warranted (the local LEO in this reported event seems to agree as well)

Based on the OPs post, please describe the cause for arrest you see and the PC you believe justifies an arrest in your opinion .

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