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by E.Marquez
Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:16 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the back
Replies: 37
Views: 2701

Re: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the b

why do you point it at a customer when you pull the trigger?
You don't, that's just being stupid (not YOU the trigger puller)
Why in the world do people do that? I never ever pull the trigger on any of my firearms after unloading/clearing them.

Several reasons..
1: Some weapons require you to pull the trigger to complete the disassemble,,, and it's never an issue, if you unload and clear it properly.
2: Dry fire, after unloading and clearing.
3: In many LEO and security agency's, after unloading, clearing the weapon, you place the muzzle in a clearing barrel (device) and cock the hammer (charge the weapon), then pull the trigger as a final clearing step.
by E.Marquez
Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:08 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the back
Replies: 37
Views: 2701

Re: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the b

tomtexan wrote:
Dave2 wrote: If you look into the chamber and make sure it is free of any live rounds and have no loaded magazine in the firearm, there will never be a ND or AD. I'll say it again, use them eyeballs. :deadhorse:
That is only ONE reason or cause for ND's, there are many others that have NOTHING to do with improper unloading and clearing of a weapon.
by E.Marquez
Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:27 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the back
Replies: 37
Views: 2701

Re: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the b

C-dub wrote: If it goes as you say then I would also throw in complacency. I see that quite a bit in my job. Every 4-6 months I have to remind everyone of some of the basic, but critical steps, to avoid mistakes.

Yes that too.

after 3 months in to a rotation, and the last 1~3 months we see that...

Interestingly,, it's worse on the FOB's and patrol bases that the local senior commander has decried that a weapon must be cleared when you enter the "patrol base wire" after a patrol and every building as well. That can be dozens of times a day as you move about your duties.... I see more ND's then then any other location.

Otherwise at Home....(on and off post) it's almost always alcohol or otherwise stupid handling that gets um.. not lack of knowledge (ie they know what right looks like) just crappy decision making
by E.Marquez
Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:45 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the back
Replies: 37
Views: 2701

Re: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the b

C-dub wrote:I was wondering how many of these "Glock" NDs are from people that have had them for a while. I've had Glocks for over 10 years now and not one ND. I've fired a few other types over the years and no NDs with any of them. It brings up a couple of interesting questions.

1. Are most NDs from people unfamiliar with the gun they are handling when the ND occurs?
2. If there is some truth to #1, are many of those by people that are more familiar with guns that have manual safety's?
3. If there is some truth to #2, why are those people so used to having their finger on the trigger? Is it because they have relied too heavily on the manual safety to pevent them from having the ND?
Hard to say, I've only researched and investigated a few hundred ND's (a large portion of those with current issued military weapons (US, French, Polish, Iraqi, Afghanistan) .. so hardly an expert.. But my opinion and observation is...It runs the whole line of possible reason.. familiar, safety off, pulled or actuated trigger. Un familiar , failed to unload and clear properly, ND. Familiar and unfamiliar, horseplay---ND...

I've lost count at the total number of ND's I have reviewed or personally investigated,, but it is more then 300.. Mil weapons, Personal weapons, borrowed weapons, and once a stolen weapon. ... ...If I had to guess, id say, lack of understanding and training led to most ND's.... split 40/60 between familiar and unfamiliar.. Then familiar and horseplay (with and without alcohol) a third place.
by E.Marquez
Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:35 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the back
Replies: 37
Views: 2701

Re: Gun store employee accidentally shoots customer in the b

jmra wrote:
Because people love to express their prejudice as fact without providing any proof whatsoever to back their statements.
Take your own advice.... :tiphat:

A little time spent researching and you'll find all the supporting anecdotal proof needed to see striker fired, no manual safety weapons in the last few years are most often the weapon involved in a ND/AD .. Then further refine your detailed reading, and you'll see which of the striker fired, no manual safety weapons shows up most in the reports of ND/AD events.

That said,,, Of course it's not the gun or it's design type at fault. It takes a mistake or worse to have an AD/ND.. with the rare, make that VERY rare true, no fault of the user "it just went off" event.

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