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by E.Marquez
Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:45 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Galveston: Suicide + accidental shooting of friend
Replies: 21
Views: 2937

Re: Galveston: Suicide + accidental shooting of friend

jimlongley wrote:
seamusTX wrote:I don't want to get too far into the psychological aspects of suicide, but it often has a component of revenge and spite against the survivors. It is not simply a "final exit."

Someone who just wants to shuffle off this mortal coil can go swimming off East Jetty in Galveston or the Texas City Dike. It's hard enough to come back from either of those places if the swimmer really wants to live. I've lost track of the number of drownings this year.

- Jim
One of my EMT trainers, after we had a run of suicides in our area right before I took my renewal (I don't know if someone was trying to send me a message) told us that the presence of an audience often led to a more determined attempt by the actor. The theory was that the presence of friends reduced the likelihood of backing off from the threat because the suicide didn't want to be seen as chickening out.

Sounded reasonable to me at the time, but I don't know if things have changed, my EMT expired in 1987.
Interesting.. had not thought of it that way.
As my experience is tied to a very small demographic of the populace (data as of 2 years ago, only 26% of the US population age 18-26 is even eligible to serve in the US military, and less than 1% is serving today), my observations may not be representative across the average US populace. .. So I could be way off in what I see , vs what others observe.

The other thoughts I presented above I stand by. :patriot:
by E.Marquez
Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:11 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Galveston: Suicide + accidental shooting of friend
Replies: 21
Views: 2937

Re: Galveston: Suicide + accidental shooting of friend

Ignorance of the psychological events or mind set that often leads people to suicide makes others say ignorant things. Proof is all around us… as close as this thread in fact.

If I was so inclined to look, many such posters would have in other threads posted about prayers, and religious believes, Christianity, forgiveness, and many other like-minded tenants. How interesting that those ideas go by the way side in reference to things by their own postings they seem not to understand.

Suicide is a final solution to often a temporary problem, and having been involved with the before, during and after of more than a few I can say, it is often not preventable (you won’t always know they are about to do something like this). Often, the person is mentally incapable of understanding the feelings of selfishness, or hate to another… I’m not a doc, don’t have a medical degree.. but I have 26 years of experience observing the before, during and aftermath of 5 successful suicides, 3 failures who were committed, just messed it up, more suicidal ideations then I can count any more.

In talking with two that tried, failed, and lived (somewhat) though the illness.. at the time selfishness was not a understood thought at the time, though afterwards embarrassment and anger at them self’s for having put family and friends though the event was real…. Very real..
One was later successful in his quest.. When an IED blew him in to several parts... one struggles every day but lives morning to waking morning and remembers, the guy that died next to him that day, it’s not his fault the sniper shot the guy next to the him, and not my RTO.. Which is whom the sniper was aiming for. ..

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