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by E.Marquez
Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:12 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WA: Police shoot 74-year-old pastor
Replies: 16
Views: 3740

Re: WA: Police shoot 74-year-old pastor

Bird of Prey wrote:I don't really understand the rationale of wandering outside in the dark when you think there may be an intruder lurking. !
I would say, from your opening line.. It makes no sense for you :thumbs2: Your initial mental preparation and position is all wrong for the task.. Your already starting off with the mind set of "wandering" If you take a second to read my replies above, you'll clearly see that is not what I'm advocating :thumbs2:

Anyone thinking of "wandering" outside should take the advice already presented clearly above.. Stay in side, move to a strong point, call and wait for the police.

None of that above is right or wrong , just an opinion and A solution.
by E.Marquez
Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:06 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WA: Police shoot 74-year-old pastor
Replies: 16
Views: 3740

Re: WA: Police shoot 74-year-old pastor

terryg wrote:
hangfour wrote:Thoughtful posts ... lots to think about. Thanks! :tiphat:
Yeah, :iagree:. I can say there have been a few times when my wife has stirred me from my slumber because she heard 'something'. So I, of course, sweep the house. Once I am sure it is clear, I have on a few occasions, checked outside as well. By this point, I am fairly certain it is a false alarm, but clearing the perimeter around the house helps me to confirm those suspicions.

Now, of course, I would not approach a car parked in front of the house as it seems this man did. But reading this story is making me question the wisdom of those extended searches.
My Driveway is 320 feet long, House in the center of 10 AC. If a car approached the house. and Stopped short... Just sat there.. I'd turn on a light, to show someone was home and awake,, It may be legitimate visitor that did not want to disturb, might be someone bringing home my drunk son (he has never done that,,, ever.. but Kids do stupid things) The car might have one of my sons fiends in it,,, coming to find help (that has happened at O dark thirty... I seem to be the go to father when I'm not deployed for :\"my sister, brother friend is missing, gone, ran away, got jumped")

But, if the car remained in place with no attempt at contact.. LEO's get called and one of several long range optics mounted on a long range shooter will remain oriented in that direction. While I went to speak to that occupant.. Smart? Life is full of choices and risks, the chances of a home invasion or random murdering criminal showing up at my house in rural TX while possible is very slim. More likely someone lost or needing a hand. Mitigate the risk, have a plan, backup plan, cover and LEO's already called.... and ya, I'll go see what they want / need.

Check the outside? Maybe, if I believed it was a two leg intruder? No… If I felt it was a four leg vaster, that needed showing or killing.. Ya I’d go out.. Pigs, Deer, next door folks hoarse or dog loose…causing a ruckus with my dogs in the house .. Gona have to be dealt with,, they are not going away on their own. So again, plan, consider the options, the risks, plan, consider the plan when the 1st plan goes to hell,,and then go have a look.

Not the better choices for all based on where you live, capabilities etc tec. :patriot:
by E.Marquez
Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:42 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WA: Police shoot 74-year-old pastor
Replies: 16
Views: 3740

Re: WA: Police shoot 74-year-old pastor

Yes, no, maybe, and depends.... Is that definitive enough for ya all?.... :lol:
Land and an insured car are not worth going outside.. Sit and wait. :thumbs2:
Having a background that allows me to see things in a different tactical light then most, see terrain in a tactical sense, knowing what will provide cover from what direction, elevation, angle, understanding light and how it provides advantage or disadvantage. .... 24 years of doing that makes a difference. LEO's have a perspective, but not really the same as someone who does it for a living against other then simple criminals ( EDIT wow that was condescending,, and not intended.. Point was, most criminals are not skilled in tactics, though amateurs are unpredictable as well,,so there is that.. What i meant was it's different,., not easier, or less skilled by a LEO).
I would move from an exit to a point of cover or at least concealment, and observe the strong point entrance, allowing tow layers of defense, me on the outside, family on the inside.... DO I realistically think this kind of an attack will ever happen? NOPE,,,,not where I live... But that does not change the fact I have several courses of action to implement if it does.
by E.Marquez
Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:07 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WA: Police shoot 74-year-old pastor
Replies: 16
Views: 3740

Re: WA: Police shoot 74-year-old pastor

Excaliber wrote:
This is another needless death that could have been prevented if the citizen had been aware of the reasoning behind my oft repeated advice to stay inside and call police to handle anything outside.
This is great advice for those who choose to live in congested, or otherwise close in city living. :hurry:

And for many, a pretty good idea no matter where you live..Stay inside, move to your strong point and await the police.. :thumbs2: Most days, it should not take more then an hour or so. :grumble

For those that do not live in cities, the land that surrounds your home is also your responsibility and you may want to know it well enough to protect and defend. :boxing

To the specifics of this topic and thread.. The more I read, the more I'm not sure what happened or why (beyond the obvious)

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