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by Dutch
Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:14 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Range Safety Violations
Replies: 34
Views: 6117

Re: Range Safety Violations

howdy wrote: Have you been at Academy/Outdoor World (any gun store) and watched people handle the new handguns. (including some salesman) You can tell who the shooters are. They are the ones that clear the handgun when it is handed to them. They keep their finger off the trigger and they DO NOT point it at everyone in the store. I actually had a salesman get insulted that I cleared a new handgun right out of the sales case. He said "you don't think I would give you a loaded gun do you". I was nice to him......I really was.
I get a mix. Sometimes they clear the gun and some times they don't before they hand it to me. I always clear when I receive it and again before I give it back.
If it is a hand off between friends I clear it where the friend can see the chamber at the same time I do before I hand it to them.
by Dutch
Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:11 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Range Safety Violations
Replies: 34
Views: 6117

Re: Range Safety Violations

android wrote: I've only taken a few people shooting for the first time, but based on this kind of advice on TxCHL and other forums, they always only get one round loaded for the first shot. You just never know how they're going to react. If they do well, they get 2 or three rounds the next time. They don't get a full mag until I feel I can trust them a bit.

I taught my 12 year old daughter to shoot clays last summer and this is what we did. She actually started out with a single shot 20 gauge but when we moved to the pump or semiautomatic she still only got one shell handed to her by me. Next season She will probably get two shells.

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