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by phrogg
Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:57 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Craigslist robbery
Replies: 61
Views: 10168

Re: Craigslist robbery

I have been the victim of "theft at night" in a CL exchange. I do not know whether I can say it was fortunate or not that I wasn't armed. I was upset, but I had the guy's name, phone number, email address, and was staring at the back of his car (license plate) while he drove off with my iPhone. I got all the info to the cops and it all matched up for Terance (names not changed to protect the guilty). Don't know if they ever caught him on this charge, apparently he's been arrested every 2 months for the last 8 years on something stupid.

Anyway, I do about 3-4 CL transactions per week with stuff I sell. This was a great realization as to why I needed to change my CL habits.

1) I needed my CHL - in process
2) I need to have my meetups INSIDE a public place and not after dark - I like malls and the Whataburger's where the cops hang out
3) Watch to see that you are not followed back home (I don't want to endanger my family members in a shootout)
4) If its a large transaction (over $500) then I'll bring another CHL with me and potentially call up an LEO friend to see where they are hanging out and meet up there.

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