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by donniet
Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:15 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Interview ?
Replies: 44
Views: 5569

Re: Interview ?

Dragonfighter wrote:

Stereotypes being what they are I too, will size up a stranger at the door but I am always armed.
:iagree: Always armed, my family understands and I carry 24/7/365 unless required by law to disarm.
by donniet
Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:28 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Interview ?
Replies: 44
Views: 5569

Re: Interview ?

I got to "unlocked and opened the door" to an unknown person ...and moaned
So, next time you recognize the guy, remember that nothing really bad happened; unlo[quote][/quote]ck and open it a crack and he kicks it open and his 3 buddies join him from different angles with their guns out ... Perhaps they are making the rounds keeping a list of who opens doors a crack and who just hollars through the door.

Perhaps you are correct, then again, maybe he and his buddies will rush me when I leave for work in the morning. Nothing is for sure in this life, except death. I made a calculation based on what I saw before I opened the door. We all make calculations and take risks every day. We drive 70 mph instead of 50 mph. Why? Because we have considered the conditions to which we are exposed and are confident we can cope. For some, it works out, and we arrive safely at our destination. For others it proves to be a costly, or perhaps deadly mis-calculation.

I cannot live in fear of opening my door, or what MIGHT happen. Do I consider myself reckless? Not at all! I process what information I have at the time and act accordingly. Is there risk? Yes. Some use cameras and intercoms, others don't answer the door, that's great if that provides what they need to feel secure. Bottom line, I know some will disagree, and I respect their decision. However we can all learn from each other and take away what we feel works for us.
by donniet
Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:22 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Interview ?
Replies: 44
Views: 5569

Re: Interview ?

Sorry for the late replies, I have not had the opportunity to get on the board today. As someone mentioned, I would feel badly to learn someone else was harmed due to my lack of action.

I also realize, as Excaliber said, I can be rushed once the door is open. I try to be prepared for that possibility and noted the person was backed away from the door before opening it. To the point I took my actions, I felt capable of handling the situation.

To answer another question. I had no intention of going out the back door and possibly encountering someone coming around to check out the back. As long as I was inside, I felt I had better odds of countering any attempt to enter my home.

I do not have an intercom or camera at my door. I do have an alarm system which I always use. I do not want to seem reckless or come across with bravdo. However, if after viewing through my door viewer, things look reasonable I will answer the door. I do not live in fear of everyone who approachs my door, anymore than, I step outside each day in a state of fear. I do however, approach each day and each encounter with caution and preperation. God willing, that will be enough to keep me safe.

One final thought. In the future, I will not be as hesitant to contact the police. Thanks to all who helped with advise.
by donniet
Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:45 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Interview ?
Replies: 44
Views: 5569

Re: Interview ?

D T O Me
I felt I was being "interviewed" to see if I was an easy mark.
This has bothered me all day. I guess I should have called police. In hind sight if it ever happens again, I will make the call.
by donniet
Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:27 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Interview ?
Replies: 44
Views: 5569

Interview ?

Last night, I think I was interviewed. I live in a nice quiet neighborhood. About 9:30 my door bell rings. I look though the peep hole and see a clean cut, early 20ish male standing well back from the door. I blade away, place my hand on my pistol, unlock and open the door part way with my weak hand. The young man begins to tell me about this large tarantula in my front yard, "the largest I have ever seen, larger than my hand, you need to see this" he said. I instantly went from condition orange to condition red. While closing the door I told him if it was that large he should call animal control. The whole thing could not have lasted more than 10 seconds. This was so off the wall, I think he was trying to draw me out from inside. I thought about calling the police, but he had really done nothing wrong. Other than not opening the door, what would others have done?

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