I got to "unlocked and opened the door" to an unknown person ...and moaned
So, next time you recognize the guy, remember that nothing really bad happened; unlo[quote][/quote]ck and open it a crack and he kicks it open and his 3 buddies join him from different angles with their guns out ... Perhaps they are making the rounds keeping a list of who opens doors a crack and who just hollars through the door.
Perhaps you are correct, then again, maybe he and his buddies will rush me when I leave for work in the morning. Nothing is for sure in this life, except death. I made a calculation based on what I saw before I opened the door. We all make calculations and take risks every day. We drive 70 mph instead of 50 mph. Why? Because we have considered the conditions to which we are exposed and are confident we can cope. For some, it works out, and we arrive safely at our destination. For others it proves to be a costly, or perhaps deadly mis-calculation.
I cannot live in fear of opening my door, or what MIGHT happen. Do I consider myself reckless? Not at all! I process what information I have at the time and act accordingly. Is there risk? Yes. Some use cameras and intercoms, others don't answer the door, that's great if that provides what they need to feel secure. Bottom line, I know some will disagree, and I respect their decision. However we can all learn from each other and take away what we feel works for us.