I do not want to make this a religious debate. My post was about the use of "I pray" vs. "we pray." It is nothing more than being about choice of words, as word have meaning.DEB wrote:I am a Christian and I will pray a Christian prayer any place I am asked or so desire. IMO that as a Christian, if you do not pray in Jesus the Christ's name, it don't count, hence the word Christian. If you are a Muslim/Jew/Buddhist/Hindu and you are asked to pray at social events, pray in your manner, I will be respectfully silent. I also expect the same. This political correctness taking over, even one's prayers to one's deity I have never understood and will not support. I usually am asked to pray whenever prayers are wanted at all my Office's functions and all know my beliefs. I don't parade them on my sleeve, but I will refuse to be forced to conform to this stale, tasteless world, where you can't even acknowledge your God.G26ster wrote:At public events, I've never heard anyone say, "...I pray." I've always heard, in Jesus' name we pray." Never thought that was quite right for non-Christians in attendance.mayor wrote:a council member or two wanted me to cease the invocation prior to council meetings because i prayed 'in Jesus' name'. i told them that would be OK, but we'll also stop saying the pledge and we'd get right to city business. guess what... we still have invocation 'in Jesus' name.'
I was addressing when leading a public prayer, when you say "we" pray, rather than "I" pray, you are including everyone attending implicating they are also praying in Jesus' name. This has nothing to do with political correctness. It's a matter of respecting others religious beliefs, not just your own. You may pray any way you wish, but when you "lead" a prayer at a public event and begin with "Let US pray," where there are those in attendance that do not pray as you do, and say "in Jesus' name WE pray" at the end, you are implying they are also praying in Jesus' name. To me it is not appropriate, but I recognize it is the norm. If you were to say "in Jesus' name I pray, it would be totally appropriate IMHO.