Not Me.....WildBill wrote:I'm jealous. I always wanted to be one of those.CrimsonSoul wrote:I'm a statistic! (Brazoria)
Statistically speaking, the average human is ahh....... Average?
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Not Me.....WildBill wrote:I'm jealous. I always wanted to be one of those.CrimsonSoul wrote:I'm a statistic! (Brazoria)
Carry-a-Kimber wrote:I figure since Harris County has a population of roughly 16-17% of the population of Texas, it would make sense that it would have that percentage of the new CHL population. I did fail statistics the first time 'round though the prof was Greek and he may as well been speakin' it. Another thought is the increase in crime since Katrina and the fact that while Bill White was in office, Houston was a "santuary city" for illegals. People just want to feel a little more secure around these parts.
That is true.KFP wrote:I'd say a 33% increase in CHLs is a big move in the right direction. That seems to coincide with the 10,000-12,000 licenses that DPS was reportedly averaging each month.