Just sent my e mail:
Good Afternoon,
It has recently come to my attention that USAA has a corporate policy that prohibits a Concealed Handgun License holder from carrying into any USAA building or Banking location.
I find this to be a surprise that USAA would take such a unfriendly stance towards their customers right to self defense and protection. I have had a long standing belief that I am ultimately responsible for the safety and well being of myself and that of my family. In addition, I am not the only member of my family who is a USAA customer that is affected by this policy.
The signs that are posted at your Texas banking locations are legal and DO prohibit me from entering the premise of your banking establishments. I am a law abiding citizen. I have a clean criminal record, and with research you will find that the majority of the Texas Concealed Handgun License community are among the most outstanding individuals in society. We have jumped through legal hoops, received fire arms training, and passed our state implemented test to legally carry our Handguns day to day in our community. Your policy against legal Licensed holders from carrying on your Property does not make your establishment safer environment. I can guarantee that it is the criminals that will dismiss the signs and continue past them, not the law abiding citizens which pose NO threat.
I have never had a bad thing to say about USAA. In fact, I am more than pleased with the services provided. I have had car loans, property and auto insurance, and banking through USAA. I DO NOT WISH TO TERMINATE MY MEMBERSHIP. USAA is far beyond any competitor and second to none. However, I WILL CHOOSE BETWEEN MY PRINCIPLE AND BELIEF IN PERSONAL SELF DEFENSE IF THIS POLICY STANDS. Please do not make me choose between the best customer service I have received and my right to defend myself. There are other banks which are sub par but do allow me the freedom to protect myself and my family.