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by OldCannon
Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:44 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: 308 for Squirrels?
Replies: 48
Views: 18440

Re: 308 for Squirrels?

longtooth wrote:Good job OldCannon.
Not many of the YoungCannons ever heard of it. :thumbs2:
Frankly, I would imagine that anybody that shoots black powder rifles would know about it. It's part of "Black Powder Rifle History 101," which you are forced to listen to by your knarly, grey-haired mountain man of an instructor as he teaches you the sacred art of _______ (and don't ever, EVER say the word "Pyrodex" near him) :lol:

EDIT: Apparently "f l i n t l o c k i n g" is some odd kind of bad word? No clue why it's blanked out above.
by OldCannon
Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:04 am
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: 308 for Squirrels?
Replies: 48
Views: 18440

Re: 308 for Squirrels?

longtooth wrote:
tacticool wrote:There's no 22 on the shelves but I can usually find a box or two of .270 or .308 or .30-06.

What are you guys using on squirrels these days? :biggrinjester:
Do like our Founding Fathers did when they were taking the round ball muskets to the woods for squirrels. .36-54 cal. then would not leave much meat either. What did they do???
"Bark-em". A real :nono: today but I have actually done it a few times when I was young.
Those early marksmen astound me w/ their shooting abilities. That was tough shooting. Mighty expensive today too.
Any of you young hunters know how???

Answer later. ;-) :fire
Barking squirrels basically entails hitting them just under, striking the branch (preferably near the head) such that the concussion (and "bark" from the tree) knocks the squirrel out of the tree and stuns them. You walk up to stunned squirrel, give a coup de grace, and presto -- you are now a permanent member of the "PETA Hates You" club!
by OldCannon
Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:49 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: 308 for Squirrels?
Replies: 48
Views: 18440

Re: 308 for Squirrels?

TxLobo wrote:Chuck, but then again, if ya hit em with a .308, then they probably would be flying squirrels.. :tiphat:
More like flying squirrel molecules :mrgreen:

You know, I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home :lol:

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