I'd have been inclined to agree with your predictions about the "Obama Lite" thing, but the Dems have been gleefully committing political suicide for the last 3 years, with Obama proudly leading and crowing about their gaffes. I swear, right now an empty, 2 year old jar of mayonnaise could whip Obama.Lambda Force wrote:I wrote that in the middle of December and I haven't seen anything yet to change my predictions.Lambda Force wrote:I predict the Republicans will win big if they nominate a conservative and lose by a small margin if they nominate an Obama Lite.OldCannon wrote:I must admit I have soft spots for Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, but my crystal ball says that Newt is the only one that can absolutely stomp Obama and throw him, his cronies, and his policies to the curb.
Although it does look more and more likely the Republicans will "Choose to Lose" by nominating the MSM's choice.
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- Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:08 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
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Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:36 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
There would be a sno-cone sale in Hades before I voted for a Dem, but one observation I've made is that whenever a party scores the "unholy trinity" (Exec, House, Senate), bad things often happen (I'm specifically thinking of the AWB and Obamacare).Ameer wrote:Good point. If we vote for the Republican candidate for President but have reservations, we should counter that with votes for Democrats in Congress, so there are some checks and balances and not a rubber stamp to expand government interference in health care, gun rights, dog safety, etc.The Annoyed Man wrote:Well first of all, if Romney were elected, he might still have to face a democrat majority in the Senate, which would essentially put him in the same position as Obama is with the House. Remember, it takes passage in both the Senate and the House to send a bill to a president's desk for his/her signature.Bullwhip wrote:The house is GOP, senate very close split. Obama has to fight the house GOP to get what he wants, Romney wouldnt'.sjfcontrol wrote:There is no way I'll ever believe that a Romney presidency, or ANY Republican presidency would be as damaging as another Obama term.
Romney might be worse because the house would pass his bills.
- Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:53 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
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Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
I think today's caucus all but locked it up. I don't like Romney, but I like him a LOT more than the stooge we have in office now. Whatever may come, Obama and his cronies MUST go.Oldgringo wrote:Me too. A couple of days in Temple Square this past September was a most enlightening and uplifting experience.TAM wrote, among other things:
...I've pretty much decided that I'm going to vote for Romney in both the primary and the general, for the above reasons.
- Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:10 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
I think this is an excellent point, although not as strong as you might think. There are FAR too many Democrats that know their voters will throw them out of they support anything anti-2A. It's only the east and west coast Dems that have a majority of idiots...er...libtards...um...constitutionally-challenged voters.VMI77 wrote:Bullwhip wrote:The house is GOP, senate very close split. Obama has to fight the house GOP to get what he wants, Romney wouldnt'.sjfcontrol wrote:There is no way I'll ever believe that a Romney presidency, or ANY Republican presidency would be as damaging as another Obama term.
Romney might be worse because the house would pass his bills.
Maybe, but the difference is in the bills each may try to pass. Obama is much more likely to attempt an attack on 2nd amendment rights because his base demands it....Ronmey has no such demand from his base.
- Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:38 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
Sigh.G26ster wrote:Trump is endorsing Romney as we speak (Live on the telybision)
I heard a good saying this week: "Remember: When you decide to vote for the lesser of two evils, you're still voting for evil."
- Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:34 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
Now, wait a sec...I kind of regard him as the anti-Chuck Norris. And Chuck endorsed Newt too. Perhaps Newt really is the one that will bring balance to the force?The Annoyed Man wrote:Well, Newt's candidacy has just been sunk......
Sources: Trump to endorse Newt
Politico.comThat's all I can do is laugh. The Republican primary has become a joke.Word started leaking out in Las Vegas earlier that Donald Trump's "major announcement" is to back Newt Gingrich, and sources are confirming it to POLITICO.
The announcement is expected to come at an 11:30 a.m. press conference tomorrow that The Donald is holding.
- Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:53 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
Don't matter to me. After Santorum's tacit approval of SOPA, he's off my "might consider" list.bayouhazard wrote:Maybe he means this is as conservative as Romney gets. So expect a hard turn to port if he gets the nomination.texasmusic wrote:Romney is ultra conservative??
Anyne else hear a rumor that Santorum actually won one?
- Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:54 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
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Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
A "protest vote", to me, isn't really immature. You might not like it, but each person should cast a vote according to their conscience, even if that conscience is based purely on objection.mr surveyor wrote:if oboma is re-annointed, all the "protest voters" should be ashamed to take part in any poiltical discussions for the next 5 years.
grow up.... you can't always have everything you want... unfortunately.
A "bought vote" (promises of money, free health care, mortgage forgiveness) is reprehensible, but such things have existed since voting was invented, I'm sure.
- Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:30 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
Um, like, "never"Dave2 wrote:I wonder if we'll see a Romney/Paul ticket?
http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/20 ... ?hpt=hp_t1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:40 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
I'm not so sure I agree with this. Spreading out the primaries lets candidates visit citizens and shape their policies and (re)shape their campaigns. Having them all at once doesn't let their candidacy evolve. I know it's a mess with the media, but I think it's a reasonable system.74novaman wrote:I'd love if the GOP declared ALL state primaries were to be held on the same day (Say, Feb 15th). To me, there are multiple advantages.The Annoyed Man wrote:Oh, I realize that, and I am referring to the entire primary campaign, not just the Iowa Caucuses.OldCannon wrote:It's the first primary. It's not over for any of the candidates unless they quit.The Annoyed Man wrote:I've come to the conclusion that, unless something startling happens, Gingrich is going to fade, and the nomination is Romney's to lose. This is not a satisfying primary for me. I wish I could get 100% behind one of the primary candidates, but I just can't get there yet.
One quick, nationwide primary...any thoughts?
- Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:37 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
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Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
Honestly, what would surprise me is if Romney wins the GOP nom and the NRA endorses him.tbrown wrote:I hope you're wrong TAM, because I'm not voting for someone who supports Obamacare and gun control, no matter what party backs him.
*Sigh* Who am I kidding? That wouldn't surprise me at all
- Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:28 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
It's the first primary. It's not over for any of the candidates unless they quit.The Annoyed Man wrote:I've come to the conclusion that, unless something startling happens, Gingrich is going to fade, and the nomination is Romney's to lose. This is not a satisfying primary for me. I wish I could get 100% behind one of the primary candidates, but I just can't get there yet.
- Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:29 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
Anybody can run if you have the money, and its up to each person to decide when to stop running (i.e., you run out of money). I agree it's all a circus, but when has it ever NOT been a circus, seriously? Just look at 2008's contestants: Mike Huckabee - 32%, Mitt Romney - 26%, John McCain - 13%, Fred Thompson - 9%, Ron Paul - 9%, Rudy Giuliani - 5%, Duncan Hunter - 1%, Alan Keyes - 1%bikerbill wrote:I'm betting the liklihood of Gingrich being the nominee is about the same as my getting the nod ... how exactly is he the only GOP candidate who can beat Obama? He has more baggage than Amtrak and while he's obviously very intelligent, he also has a reputation which Obama would feast on ... Romney will be the nominee, IMHO, and would love to see one of the also-rans, like Santorum, as his running mate ... We have no idea what condition the country will be in on election day 2012; things could be just bright enough to return Obama to the WH, a horrible prospect to me but one that is certainly as likely as his being ousted ... the real problem, to me, is the circus atmosphere that has surrounded the current campaign and the huge number of hopefuls diluting the message ... read a great line somewhere recently ..."The Tea Party's been around for three years, and THIS is the best they can do?" It's time for Perry and Bachmann to hit the road home ...
This is an election year, if you think it's a circus, Iowa is only the warmup act (basically: How many clowns fit into the car ).
- Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:28 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
Sure, but it's politics, which means that most of the machinations and posturing are aimed at people far less-inclined to "think."The Annoyed Man wrote: The exception is Ron Paul. He has yet to ever urge his supporters to back the party's nominee after having lost. He will cynically use the party and its influence to promote his own candidacy, but he never returns the favor. The only reason he runs as a republican is because it gives him a broader audience than it would if he ran as a Libertarian, which is his natural milieu. But he definitely doesn't give a crap about the GOP. Some call him an independent minded person. I call him an egotist who doesn't care what he'll have to destroy in order to gain what he wants. He is a divider. The way he plays the game encourages his followers to be happy with an Obama victory if they can't have Ron Paul. They would be happy to throw the country down the toilet if they can't have their guy in office. That's not politics. That is having a tantrum and taking your toys and going home. It is famously said that politics is the art of compromise. Well then, either compromise and quit trying to sabotage the party, or run up the Jolly Roger and declare a new party. But come out in the open and quite screwing around. This country is already pretty far gone. It simply cannot endure another four years of Obama; but that will be the result of Ron Paul splitting up the republican party.
I'm pretty tired of the nonsense.
Frankly, I think Ron Paul is painted into a corner where he's trying to influence GOP planks, not so much get re-elected. He might win caucuses, but history tells us that caucuses move in ebbs and tides. As for the Libertarian side, Ron Paul hasn't shown any interest that in a LONG time, and that dance card is now full with Gary Johnson's defection the The Libertarian Party to run for president.
It's gonna be an interesting election ( /grabsPopcorn)
- Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:21 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
- Replies: 207
- Views: 29979
Re: I'm calling it: Gingrich/Rice in 2012
Not in my opinion. I've learned that really successful businesspeople don't tend to have the stomach for politics (more accurately: Find themselves ineffective at getting things done in the models they're accustomed). I also have absolutely no faith that he can disconnect himself from his core values and business enterprises sufficiently to function as a VP, nor as a POTUS. Again, emphasis is that it's my _opinion_.mamabearCali wrote:I am not a Donald Fan, but you don't think he is smart/tough enough to handle it? Just curious.