There's something missing from this equation though. I hear you concern, and I think none of us want to see that, um, person, get re-elected. The reality, however, is that a 3rd party candidate is FAR more likely to take votes away from the independent voters that threw their hat in the ring with Obama in '08. It's far more likely to look like this IF a strong 3rd party contender comes up (2 party vs 3 party election):anygunanywhere wrote:It is only a vote against Obama IF OBAMA DOES NOT GET REELECTED.Ameer wrote:That's backwards. Any vote not for Obama is a vote against Obama. If you want to count it as a vote for Romulans you can do what you want but the simple truth is a vote against Obama is a vote against Obama no matter how much LSD is involved. (Lies. Spin. Deception.)
Remember H. Ross Perot??
Go ahead and vote third, fourth, whatever party. Feel good about yourself when the obamatrons have their way.
| --- Far Left --- | ---------------------- Left ------------------------ | ---------------------- Moderates ---------------------- | ---------------------- Right ---------------------- | --- Far Right --- |
| ------------------------------------------------------Obama --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- Romney ------------------------------------------------------ |
| ----------- Obama ----------- | -------------------- 3rd Party Guy ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- Romney -------------------------------------------------- |
Either way, Romney wins. This race is definitely NOT at all like the one with Perot. This presumes that the GOP and Romney don't take a turn into the far right ditch and do something that polarizes the Democrat base.
Either way, I am predicting that Obama gets killed in an electoral landslide almost as badly as the '72 election, unless the Dems find a way to buy votes this year (people are already figuring out that "free" healthcare isn't going to be so free). They don't even have a true platform to run on right now, aside from "Hate The Rich." I also predict that Romney is going to make Obama have a Mr. Cool meltdown during the presidential debates. I, for one, am REALLY looking forward to this election cycle