Anytime you buy online, you risk a fraudulent transaction. Even through Amazon (I had a buyer once try to defraud me through Amazon).
I've bought and sold guns through, and it's true the risk was always there, just as somebody buying guns from me took a risk.
I _do_ think there's something wrong when a seller can delete legitimate negative feedback about their service. I know that if I saw so much as a single, "I bought a gun from this person and didn't get it", I wouldn't buy from them. I verified this on today and I intend to take the matter up with them. I recommend everybody else that patronizes GunBroker do the same. As a seller, I should have the right to post a follow-up comment about any buyer's comments, but I shouldn't have the ability to artificially inflate my ratings just by deleting negative comments.
If you're referring to (and I know you can't confirm or deny), they DO have a buyer protection system (" onclick=";return false;). However, I always recommend you purchase with a credit card [not a debit card!](even though it often bumps your price up by 3%), because the CC company can come down like the hammer of God on them. _If_ you are very confident that the seller is trustworthy, then you can pay for it with a money order via the US Post Office. I don't think I'd ever do it any other way, personally.
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- by OldCannon
- Wed May 05, 2010 11:51 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Beware Fraud at Well Known Gun Auction Site !!!
- Replies: 25
- Views: 6931
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