I was at the indoor range last weekend. It was really crowded, but I got an open lane right in the middle. On my left, a grandpa was teaching his two grandsons (looked to be 8 and 10 or so) how to shoot. On my other side some college age guy was teaching his girlfriend to shoot. Everything was going fine, and I was taking a reload break. It was kind of quiet, so I could hear the guy telling his GF how to improve her groups. While they are pointing at the target (at 5 yards) and talking about site pictures, I hear a bang from the lane with the kids on my left, and the gal on the right starts cackling because they had just shot a perfect bulls-eye... on her target!! Now I really don't see how hitting a target at 5 yards two lanes over without leaning all the way over the shooting bench is even possible, but they had done it. I looked at the guy around the back of the wall, and looked at the rangemaster through the glass who was watching everything, and neither seemed particularly concerned about it, so I decided I was done for the day.
I was politely mentioning it as I was waiting for the rangemaster to punch my time card, but then the guy from the far end of the range that had been sighting in some cannon that probably cost more than my first 3 cars put together burst in there and came unglued on the RM. The RM was defending them and said he'd been watching them. (At that angle, the bullet must have hit the wall about 20-25yds in front of that shooter) Anyhoo, I'm definitely going to stick with going on the weekdays during my lunch break when nobody is there.
To his defense, everything I heard coming from the grandpa was good stuff as far as safety and instruction goes. I applaud him for taking the time to spend time with his grandsons and to teach them an important life lesson; he just needed to be a bit more proactive and hands-on on the actual shooting... maybe just take one at a time next time or something, so he can give them each his undivided attention.
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- by hotrodscott
- Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:20 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Range Safety Violations
- Replies: 34
- Views: 6122
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