You picked up on a trait that breed is known for.Middle Age Russ wrote:
We notice another interesting protective behavior from the Boxers as well. They were not comfortable DA or the kids being close to the fireplace when we had wood burning. I was the only one allowed access to the fireplace without interferance from them. If DA or the kids approached it, the dogs would get between them and the fireplace and stay there unless they were firmly moved. No aggressive behavior at all from them in this, just very protective.
Story: When I was in grade school, my parents and several other families were party to a lawsuit against an individual. This guy set fire to several houses, all of them part of this lawsuit. (He was formerly an arson/building inspector and knew how to make it look like an accident)
He was literally crazy and very dangerous. He broke into a friend's house and rigged their water heater for one of these fires. The other was made to look electrical. He would break in when no one was home. He was too cowardly to confront you directly.
Sugar Land PD "knew" it was him, but had no evidence.
Anyway, my parents were struggling financially and couldn't afford cameras and other security measures beyond a basic alarm system, so after doing a lot of homework, they bought a boxer for that very reason. Boxers are wary of fire by nature, and of course, also very protective in general.
Thankfully, our house was never targeted (that we know of), and eventually the guy ended up getting murdered in Alvin, but my parents still own boxers today.