AndyC wrote:You should take that pistol to one of the 1911 vs Glock 1,000 round grudge matches run by Double Naught Spy up in Forestburg Tx, then - I think it's called IISHOT1000Katygunnut wrote:I use Glocks for my primary SD weapons. I'm not familiar with the concept of a failure in these weapons, at least not through the first 3,000 rounds. Let me try another 10,000 rounds of whatever I can think of to shoot through it, and I'll see if I can experience this "failure" thingy. Maybe if I load up some gravel.
At the 2007 match, 1 Glock 17 and 1 Colt Gov't 1911 made it all the way through - out of 9 Gocks and 7 1911s.
At the 2008 match, 1 Glock 26, 1 Sig 239 and 1 Colt Commander 1911 made it through - out of what looks like 5 Glocks and 7 1911s
for Sig P239!! I knew she was a good girl.