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by seamusTX
Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:10 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: That feeling you get...
Replies: 28
Views: 5120

Re: That feeling you get...

When your "spidey sense" tells you to boogie out of there, it's best to do it.

Car washes are excellent locations for carjackings and other robberies. To begin with, they usually are not in the most high-rent locations. They are somewhat shielded from street view. People going back and forth between vehicles do not grab attention there. Most customers leave their keys in the ignition when they get out of the vehicle.

I have often thought that vacuuming the car in one of these places is an extremely vulnerable position. I bought a shop vac years ago that I could use at home.

OTOH, the person that you saw may just have been there for a drug deal, which is another common "off-label" use for car washes.

- Jim

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