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by seamusTX
Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:16 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Car Burglary in Process
Replies: 8
Views: 1460

Re: Car Burglary in Process

In these situations you have to think on your feet. As far as I am concerned, you did well. You acted, but you did not put yourself in unnecessary danger.

The Legislature in its infinite wisdom :roll: made burglary of a motor vehicle a misdemeanor, so it is not grounds for a citizen arrest. Neither is theft during daylight hours a justification for the use of deadly force. Holding two people is risky for anyone.

I will add that I don't own any inanimate object worth risking my life over. If I did, it would be in a bank vault and insured.

BTW, two mopes now have a grudge against you and know where you work. Probably they just consider being arrested a cost of doing business, but watch your six and good luck.

- Jim

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