You can legally use deadly force to prevent another's use of deadly force or to prevent robbery.RubenZ wrote:So someone comes up to you and demands your wallet and you refuse. They then pull out a Gun. By that time it is too late for you.
Robbery is theft abetted by the threat of force.
So if the "suspect" just says, "Give me your money," it might be considered aggressive panhandling or political fund-raising.

I think, both legally and morally, you have to be sure that it is robbery with a threat of force before you use deadly force.
As a practical matter, many people have gotten in a heap of trouble up to and including prison for shooting unarmed people, even though the incident was most likely robbery.
It's not fair, of course. One punch can kill. But when you just shot an unarmed "honor student" or football star, that argument may not hold much weight in court.
- Jim