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by tiger1873
Thu May 06, 2010 10:34 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Beware Fraud at Well Known Gun Auction Site !!!
Replies: 25
Views: 6940

Re: Beware Fraud at Well Known Gun Auction Site !!!

drjoker wrote: Besides, they will only see you "by appointment". I called them and tried to pay FTF, but every time slot that I requested to meet was "unavailable". Finally, I asked what was available and they said that they're only available to meet with customers for a couple of hours on Friday afternoons. I should've been suspicious right then and there, but I was STUPID and mailed him the money order instead because I didn't want to be labeled a non-paying bidder.!
You really shouldn't have to worry about being labeled a non-paying bidder and getting banned if something doesn't feel right. That is why they should have honest feedback. An honest seller always will respond to you and should be reasonable. In a transaction like a gun a seller should always arrange a FTF if possible. On online sales feedback is only one component the other is contact with the seller. The best solutions is always to try and contact a seller.

Do you have a copy of your money order can you get a copy of it? If he large seller contact him again and scan a copy of the money order especially if it was cashed. If he sells lots of guns does he have anything else you want or the same gun in stock? If he's local and doesn't co-operate go down to the police station or the DA's office of the county he lives in but you may want to remind him that your going to go there before you go down there. If he is not local call up the local one nearest to him. If he has FFL the mere mention of reporting that he stole a check should get his attention. Misunderstanding is one thing but if he offered something sale and cashed a check with no intention of honoring it after you contacted him may mean some charges could be brought against him. It's up to you to prove with the police that it goes beyond a simple misunderstanding. You can also sue him small claims court that is where this belongs not with a lawyer. If he cashed the check you have all the proof you need and wouldn't need a lawyer it would be hard to lose a case like that. It sounds like he is local so this would be a great option.
by tiger1873
Wed May 05, 2010 3:02 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Beware Fraud at Well Known Gun Auction Site !!!
Replies: 25
Views: 6940

Re: Beware Fraud at Well Known Gun Auction Site !!!

One particular auction site with broker in it is a scam. They will do anything to protect sellers that are defrauding. I avoid them completely now better deals elsewhere. They usually delete negs and will ban the buyer from there site. The first thing I noticed is a lot shill bidding going on there as well from certain dealers. It usually looked the other way since they pay the bills. I noticed that first with certain sellers on the site listed with no reserve. It's easy to spot when you see the same dealer always get higher bids then everyone else. Sure reputation can help but not every-time.

My thing is with all online auctions the sellers need to contact me before I send them any money even G-B has that in the rules. I usually send a couple of emails requesting totals of what I owe. Of course I had one seller who didn't contact me for a month the only way he contacted me was though neg feedback. What did that auction site do to me they closed my account over this. A lot sellers on there will back out of a deal if it's too low and they look the other way. I protested them over that and they told me I was in the wrong and flat was abusive to me and told me I was banned for life. They also still send me junk mail. I had 12-14 good transactions with no issues except this seller. If they don't want my money that is fine there is plenty of places to buy from. I found most of the good sellers on that large site are on gunsamerica or auctionarms anyways plus the prices are more legit.

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