Excellent post.mr surveyor wrote:as a small business owner myself, I prefer to keep the motto "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"... as long as it stays within the law. This means without regard to race, sex/gender, physical/mental handicaps and other conditions that are totally beyond the control of the individual to change (well.... the sex/gender thing can apparantly be changed, but that's another topic). I won't go into detail on how I choose my clients as it's not relevent to the discussion, but I do reserve the right to politely refer some potential clients to other service providers. When the government steps in and tells me who I must provide my services to, and who I must let inside my office, then I have become a serf to the king. It's unfortunate for those of us that legally carry firearms are required to make those tough decisions of where we are willing to disarm. I personally don't find it that tough..... I make the free choice to just not do business with establishments that don't agree with my lifestyle. Air travel is one of those conditions....I have not flown since the idiocy of restricting pocket knives. That is a personal choice I can freely make, as there's really no place on this planet I want to visit that I can't personally drive to in the privacy of my own vehicle. And, if my job required air travel, I would consider that an extension of my choice to work in that line of employment. We all should place a high value on our freedoms.
Just the thought that some mandated "super ninja commando training" for CHL holders could be considered to trump my rights as a private business owner is disturbing. If you don't like MY house rules, I will gladly refer you to a whole list of other practitioners in the area that may suit your needs. Government take-over of private business practices is unfortunately where we seem to be headed in this generation, even without this discussion to influence the movement.
Your opinions may vary.
You have the right not to do business with anyone who doesn't respect your rights. With that said, Texas has made it very difficult to post legal notice. This gives business owners a way out. They can post a legally unenforceable sign that meets their insurance companies requirements and still allow you to carry in their establishment. You simply have to be knowledgeable enough and have the intestinal fortitude to deal with any complications that might arise from you having to use your firearm in that establishment.
I have no desire to force others to allow me to carry on their property. I don't like the general restrictions on entire classes of business such as bars, airports, amusement parks, ect., but I do believe that those business owners should have the right to not allow concealed handguns on their property if they choose to. This allows me to exercise my choice of not frequenting that establishment on a selective basis rather than the general ban we have now.
I like the idea of the 30.06 signs. I personally believe that all of the restrictions should go away except for that one. Government facilities would still not be allowed to be posted, and business owners would have a way to legally bar CHL holders if that is what they choose to do. I would be happy to help put those people out of business by not contributing to their profits.
I'm all for expanding the rights of CHL holders in Texas but not at the expense of others property rights.