I figured it's just not worth it. Whether they'll have the local PD arrest me or not isn't the only concern. Having a firearm on company premises automatically flags you and that will come up on the security clearance renewal.
The only solution would be a hidden compartment in the car. :)
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- Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:29 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: What is the point of CHL?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 6306
- Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:52 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: What is the point of CHL?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 6306
Yes, the last manned fighter aircraft. I'm in one of the cubicle farms in Bldg 5. I have never seen the company rent-a-cops do vehicle searches but I'm not gonna chance it. I like working there.kauboy wrote:Propellerhead, you wouldn't happen to be affiliated with a certain next generation fighter plane as I am, would you?
I started a thread about this a while back because the online "handbook" specifically states that even CHL holders cannot carry or have their weapon present in their vehicle. Even though its not "proper wording", I still don't have the cojones to carry on the premesis. Besides, those gaurds have more firepower than I do, but I don't really trust their aim
- Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:32 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: What is the point of CHL?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 6306
The way I read it is if you are told you cannot be there with a gun and you don't leave, you can get fired and arrested for tresspassing.S&W6946 wrote:Some of those with more legal knowledge may correct me but here is my take on this
Once you are verbally warned by your employer you are violating company policy if caught with a gun, not the law. You can be fired but not arrested. If you receive written warning in a manual or memo from your employer that contains the language required by 30.06 (or 30.06 signs are posted), then you could be arrested in addtion to being fired.
- Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:40 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: What is the point of CHL?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 6306
Like I said, I'm in the same boat. My employer shares a flightline with a military base so our company sits on federal property. Hence no firearms. Period. It sucks that I can't carry to and from work. It sucks that I can't bring my guns with me to go directly to the range after work. But all that doesn't apply on weekends and after work hours. Those are the times where I'm more likely to need a firearm. If I have a bunch of stops to make, I try to schedule it so I'll leave work, go home, arm myself, then go do my errands.
Or look at it this way... without a CHL you can't cover yourself at work and outside work. With a CHL, you'll get to cover yourself outside work. I spend more hours outside work so I'm still covering the majority with a CHL.
Or look at it this way... without a CHL you can't cover yourself at work and outside work. With a CHL, you'll get to cover yourself outside work. I spend more hours outside work so I'm still covering the majority with a CHL.
- Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:19 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: What is the point of CHL?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 6306
Hmm... then I'll have to get with my CHL instructor. We were taught that even just a verbal notification from the owner of the property or the company or whoever controls the property, is sufficient. Like if I didn't want you to carry in my house, I don't have to post a compliant 30.06 sign. I can tell you not to and that would be sufficient. (Not that I would but you know).S&W6946 wrote:The wording in an employee manual must conform to the 30.06:
- Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:21 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: What is the point of CHL?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 6306
I know what you mean. I've been carrying for a week but have realized there are more places I can carry than I can't. I know I can't carry at work but there are fences and armed guards and almost everyone has a security clearance, so I'm cool with that. When I walk into Walmart I am most likely surrounded by people with criminal histories. When I drive around, when I'm at a stop light, when I'm getting gas, when I'm out washing my car, when I'm eating at a restaurant, when I'm looking at tools at Home Depot, and so on..... By that alone, it's still worth it.snscott wrote:Why bother with the time and expense of getting a CHL when so many places are "off limits"?
My understanding was that the 30.06 applies to the signs at the entrances. If the company handbook or new hire briefing tells you that you cannot carry concealed, then you can't regardless of 30.06 signs being within specs or not.nitrogen wrote:Also, realise what 30.06 actually does. In a way it's a blessing in disguise.
Chances are, your company handbook's language banning weapons does not meet the requirements of 30.06. What this means is, while you can still be fired for carrying a weapon on company property, you cannot be brought up on charges for it. If it's worth it to you to risk that, you can.
Also, I'm lucky, as nowhere i've wanted to go has been properly posted. Only one place is posted at all, and it's my vet's office. I won't give my money willingly to any company posted properly.
As posted above, racetrack means horse or dog racing. Not car racing. I had a thread on that recently.Rex B wrote:As near as I can tell, I can't carry when I go to the racetrack. Car racing, usually there for 2-3 days straight, overnight, as a participant.