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by PuntoQuatroCinco
Tue May 18, 2010 12:34 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Trying on a holster....
Replies: 15
Views: 2220

Re: Trying on a holster....

driver8 wrote:Hey Chuckybrown, forgive me for being a little dense but could you elaborate a little on just what was the mistake and what happened, if you can?
The mistake ChuckyBrown made was handing a loaded weapon to somebody he assumed would manipulate it properly.
However, in the process of unloading the pistol, the salesman briefly pointed it at ChuckyBrown. No bueno.


This may sound like a cop-out answer, but I would assume everybody is an idiot everywhere.
I've visited my fair share of stores around the Houston area (and elsewhere) and have observed some pretty lax behavior by individuals who ought to know just about every one of them at some time or other. But who knows, maybe my standards are exceedingly high. After all, I do shoot a 1911 :coolgleamA:


PS: All kidding aside, for all the wincing and cringing I've done in stores, I've never knowingly seen an employee sweep anybody with a loaded pistol. That's a new one to me...thanks for posting ChuckyBrown. Good reminder.

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