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by Amy
Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:43 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Never again tell anyone that you carry.....
Replies: 88
Views: 28238

I never told anyone I was carrying who wasn't also carrying, and this was because of something that happened where I worked back a couple years ago. I had a very nasty enemy at work, who, when she learned that I did in fact *own* guns, went to the director there at the university and told him a very tall tale about all my co-workers being afraid of me because I own guns!

I was called into the director's office, and Ben told me what was going on. I told him, "Ben, about a third of Americans own guns, and if we are all going to be afraid of them for that reason alone we'd best start digging our bunkers right now."

I asked him who it was who told him all this, and he wouldn' say, so I said, "well, seems Carol will never stop trying to make trouble for me," and he just smiled.

Afterwards I went to my co-workers to ask them about all this, and they were quite surprised to learn that I owned guns.....

So gang, there are nasty people out there who will do their best to use your guns against you socially and politically. Mum's the word.


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