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- Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:20 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Never Again Will I...
- Replies: 45
- Views: 6482
Re: Never Again Will I...
If one believes that someone is trying to run them over then you should be in reasonable fear for life and limb. Any car can kill you. Honestly, I have the utmost sympathy for the disabled, my parents were social workers their whole careers. But if my life is threatened I will protect it. I'm not going to stop and evaluate the mental condition of the possible BG.
- Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:43 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Never Again Will I...
- Replies: 45
- Views: 6482
Re: Never Again Will I...
bnc wrote:Reaffirms my belief that nothing good happens at 2am, other than sleep.

- Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:31 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Never Again Will I...
- Replies: 45
- Views: 6482
Re: Never Again Will I...
Ok I'm back and wow! Thanks for all the comments.
I never stated that I was going to start shooting, if I had been armed. The truck in my opinion did aim at me. I saw him coming and pulled all the way over to the curb and he turned even more. My first thought is that it could have been a gang initiation. Looking for a random victim.
When he saw the cop turn the lights on and he took off in a cloud of diesel confirms my feeling that the BG was up to no good.
But this is a good "what if" scenario IMO.
What if, the truck hit me and then turned around to take another run at me. The police open fire in these scenarios. I should include that I drive a VW Jetta, no match to an F350 whatsoever.
I never stated that I was going to start shooting, if I had been armed. The truck in my opinion did aim at me. I saw him coming and pulled all the way over to the curb and he turned even more. My first thought is that it could have been a gang initiation. Looking for a random victim.
When he saw the cop turn the lights on and he took off in a cloud of diesel confirms my feeling that the BG was up to no good.
But this is a good "what if" scenario IMO.
What if, the truck hit me and then turned around to take another run at me. The police open fire in these scenarios. I should include that I drive a VW Jetta, no match to an F350 whatsoever.
- Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:50 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Never Again Will I...
- Replies: 45
- Views: 6482
Never Again Will I...
I went to 6th street in Austin with some friends. I was the designated driver. I don't have a lockbox in my car and since we were going to a bar I left my protection at home. Austin is chill, no problems at the bar, went to Magnolia Cafe around 2am.
After we left I decided to drive my friends around to sober up some before we went home. After wandering for about 30 minutes we ended up on the east side close to dove springs. Out of nowhere a person in a F350 intentionally, I think, aims his truck at us. He came literally within 2 inches of my side mirror. I was stopped and my tires were on the curb. I was thankful he didn't hit us but then I noticed he was turning around, I did not know his intentions. The first thing I thought was crap I don't have a gun on me. THANKFULLY we were next to an elementary school and there was a cop sitting there doing paperwork, he didn't see anything that had happened right in front of him. I pulled up to him and pointed out the truck and explained quickly what had happened. The cops took off after him, and caught him. I was probably lucky there was a cop RIGHT THERE. I left and do not know what happened.
Right then and there I decided that I will never NOT have my gun on me unless it is 100% ILLEGAL. When seconds mattered I was lucky there was a cop there. I will never take that kind of chance again.
After we left I decided to drive my friends around to sober up some before we went home. After wandering for about 30 minutes we ended up on the east side close to dove springs. Out of nowhere a person in a F350 intentionally, I think, aims his truck at us. He came literally within 2 inches of my side mirror. I was stopped and my tires were on the curb. I was thankful he didn't hit us but then I noticed he was turning around, I did not know his intentions. The first thing I thought was crap I don't have a gun on me. THANKFULLY we were next to an elementary school and there was a cop sitting there doing paperwork, he didn't see anything that had happened right in front of him. I pulled up to him and pointed out the truck and explained quickly what had happened. The cops took off after him, and caught him. I was probably lucky there was a cop RIGHT THERE. I left and do not know what happened.
Right then and there I decided that I will never NOT have my gun on me unless it is 100% ILLEGAL. When seconds mattered I was lucky there was a cop there. I will never take that kind of chance again.