I have been using a Lee Classic Turret press for several years and am very pleased with it. I don't use it as designed but instead as a supercharged single stage press. I bought two sets of dies and two of the 4 hole die holders. In the first die holder, I put a resize/deprime die then a case bell die then another resize/deprime followed by another case bell die. After the brass come out of a tumbler with walnut hulls (for cleaning) I put a piece of brass in the shell holder, pump the press handle twice and take the piece of brass out. The handle on the press never stops moving and this reduces the wear and tear on my left arm (half as many movements as a single stage press for the same effort). I then throw the brass in a tumbler with corn cob and polish. The brass come out looking better than new. From there, I clean the primer pockets (I know, probably not needed but it is a hold over from my days shooting bulleye in the 70's) and hand seat primers in the cases. Then it is back to the reloading bench. I have a second 4 die ring set up with a seating die followed by a factory crimp die then another seating die and factory crimp die. I put the cases in a loading block (50 at a time), charge all the cases, visually inspect every case (using Titegroup makes me nervous as it is possible to double charge a case and still seat the bullet). Then I seat and crimp all of the loaded rounds. Not nearly as fast as a progressive but I have never had an issue with any of my loaded ammo and I have loaded approximately 22K rounds of pistol ammo in the last 3 years. Besides, reloading is my therapy :-). Some day, I may talk myself into a progressive.
I will say that the Lee equipment exceeded my expectations. I had a minor issue with the press but Lee promptly sent out a replacement part (their customer service is excellent). The tolerances seemed loose (I am a mechaincal engineer that is used to working to thousands and tenths of a thousands tolerance so I am a little nuts about things like that) but the gear produces good ammo. Their gear does not look as nice as the other brands (no fancy metal work) but it functions very well. I wondered about the quality of their dies vs others so I bought some Hornady pistol dies, loaded some ammo (45 ACP) on both the Lee and Hornady dies and bench tested the ammo. I could not see any difference in group size between the ammo loaded on the two different brands of dies. I have loaded 223 ammo on this press as well and that ammo easily shoots sub MOA in my good AR. Just a little bonus info :-).
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- by LTUME1978
- Thu May 31, 2012 5:52 pm
- Forum: Reloading Forum
- Topic: Added 2 more presses.
- Replies: 10
- Views: 2545
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