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by RPB
Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:37 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Another 30.06 Scenario
Replies: 11
Views: 4730

Re: Another 30.06 Scenario

gdanaher wrote:*Building used as a medical clinic and pharmacy jointly by the local ISD and the city government
*No meeting rooms or room for instruction.
*Tax appraisal district shows that the city owns the building.
*Properly sized 30.06 sign on window next to entrance.
I presume the language of the law might imply that this is a school activity, hence no ccw.

Legal? Thoughts?
What I'm seeing based solely on that info is it's a city building where 30.06 signs have been posted improperly, that the school uses.

For what use?

Small school district using city gym?

Perhaps city leases/rents the city owned property to the school?

Where do you get that it's jointly owned?

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