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by RPB
Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:51 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Loaded magazine briefly exposed
Replies: 21
Views: 3115

Re: Loaded magazine briefly exposed

rp_photo wrote:
longtooth wrote:No legal offense if a mag shows. You are in good company. Every old hand on the board has had mags on the floor somewhere at sometime. My 1st mag pouch was a cell phone case. $$$s were precious then as now. Mine went on the floor at Lowe's. Absolutely the ONLY thing you need to fret is how your photo customers would respond.

Legally NO SWEAT.!!!!!!!!
Would the same be true for loose rounds?

Say for example someone saw you filling a speed loader.
Austin bullet belt doesn't use "loose" rounds ...
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With enough mags and mag carriers, I suppose one could make a "mag belt" a belt completely covered with loaded magazines ... (belt/mags/ammo open carried .... just not the handgun which must be concealed)

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