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by RPB
Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:01 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Robbery in Nuevo Laredo, WWYD
Replies: 27
Views: 3787

Re: Robbery in Nuevo Laredo, WWYD

ddurkof wrote:You can tell that they were not worried about anyone being armed in the restaurant.

The problem with any take over robbery is that you don't know who all the players are or what they are going to do. Some robbers will have someone in the establishment who looks like a victim, but is in cahoots with them. Before you take any action, be sure to watch your 6 o'clock and assume that everyone, but you, is in on it. It is a 360 degree danger zone, don't get tunnel vision.
:iagree: I agree not from opinion, as in "yeah that sounds good" but from experiencing 2 robberies, once with 2 guys (I saw the second as I was about to disarm the first, and decided not to), another with 5 armed guys (I honestly never saw all of them, couldn't have told you there were just 2, 3, 4 or 5 ... the police caught all 5 a couple blocks away after they left the store).

Last week at supper I took my niece out to eat, and explained why I sit where I sit in a restaurant, and also why I'm going to sit facing the door and needed to sit where she was parked ;-)

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