Got these and more" onclick=";return false;
We currently train thousands of women in small classes, seminars and private lessons in defense systems such as: Israeli Krav Maga and American combatitives, Personal Defense Readiness (PDR), and others, handgun instruction, deployment and concealed handgun licensing, Taser devices and deployment, use of OC spray and more. We recognize that every woman has a different challenge and therefore we offer many options to keep you safe.
Austin School ... ontact.htm" onclick=";return false;
I don't know anything about them, other than what you see .... just trying to let you know that not all martial arts/self-defense places are anti-weapon. Some show options and she can decide.
Others are ... austin.htm" onclick=";return false;
Bound to be more which teach martial arts, Tasers, Sprays, etc etc etc etc ....Women's self defense training and classes (private lessons, small groups or organizations)
* Personal Defense Readiness (PDR)
* Commando Krav Maga
* Hand-to-hand training (advanced techniques)
* Scenario/ situational training for real life
* car jacking, robbery, rape prevention, home invasion, hotel room attack, parking lot, atm machine, etc.
* Taser use, instruction and sales
* Handgun training, deployment, home and car defense and Texas Concealed Handgun Licensing (CHL)
* OC/ Mace training and sales
* Girls and young women self-defense in small groups
* Use of force lecture - when, where, how, why to use self defense
* legal issues/ considerations
* Corporate seminars - On-site, fun and team building exercises designed to add value to any corporate meeting
* Employee violence prevention/ recognition
* Anger management
All of the above training is also available for men and young men.
Hope that helps, if not, hollar. I'll dig further. (But the "competition" places are a joke imho, I speak as one who got ambushed by a [albeit intoxicated] second place winner for State of Texas Tai Kwon Do, who was trained by an Olympics Tai Kwon Do contender and Aikido instructor, (or something like that) and walked away in better shape than that person) Well, I mean he is a good instructor, but they concentrate on competition rather than real-world in classes, although I wouldn't want to ever fight the guy, lol.