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by zeroskillz
Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:05 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fort Worth Gun Show Posted?
Replies: 65
Views: 11521

Re: Fort Worth Gun Show Posted?

The idea that it's okay to carry there because the Government owns it, is like saying the Bank can put rules and restrictions on what you do in your home because they own it. I believe it's up to the renter of the space to set their own rules, and if you don't like them, go somewhere else. It's that simple.

While I don't agree with the posting, I at least can understand it, given that there was only one Frisco gun show ever. That venue was lost after someone brought a loaded gun in and ooopsy!

I'd be real curious to know if that guy had a CHL or not. I like to believe CHL'ers are a little more contentious and respectful...That a CHL holder would respect a 30.06 sign and the person who posted it, regardless of whether they agreed with it or not.

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